Thursday, January 8, 2009

My First Blog!!!!!!

okay so thisis my first blog and so i just want your opinions right now, tell me anythng, randomness galore!!! and dont be afraid to use txt tlk! :) i wanna see how this works out, and if i like how it goes i'll make a blog with REAL material!!! okay so just comment plz!!!! i'll love you forever!!!! (unless you're a guy, that's a different story) lindsey


  1. Hello, Luscious, Lavishing Lindsey! I'm glad you have a blog because you love to write and the world should know the interesting and entertaining conundrum that is you! :) LOL. So, thanks for the sweet comment ... you are like a bratty little sister sometimes, too. Haha. I will miss you next year ... let's make it a good semester! Can't wait for a REAL post from you ...

  2. okay mrs.d i'll take care of that SOON. but for me to actually to write something good i want to know that i have atleast five people reading or i mightt as well type it up and give it to you. but i've got somethins i'm ready to put out there. :)

  3. oh and THANKS for be m first commenter!!!
